Summary There’s not another man on the planet I’d rather have guarding my body… When my regular security service blackballs me because I’ve chased off one too many of their wimpy bodyguards, I’m in a major bind. I’m a celebrity, after all. I can’t leave the house without solid protection. Then my mom has what she thinks is a brilliant idea. She knows someone who’s … [Read more...]
In Enemy Hands – Jaye Peaches
Summary When the rest of her household flees the family estate during the English Civil War, Hester Cavell, a proud Royalist supporter, stays behind hoping to protect her home. Unfortunately for Hester, she quickly finds that she is no match for a troop of Parliamentarian dragoons, led by Captain Daniel Hasard. Once the dragoons take control of her house, Daniel lets Hester … [Read more...]
Spirituality and the Sexual Kink
In the post-Fifty Shades of Grey era, the topic of “deviant sex” has come to the forefront of mainstream society's awareness. Considering it's rarely discussed without snickers or jokes, it seems to me that the time seems ripe for an expansion of consciousness around the topic. As far as I can tell, I was born with a sexual kink. I consider it an orientation vs. an … [Read more...]
Romancing Brett – Sage L. Mattison
Brett Moore is the successful, and busy, CEO of the international Moore Hotel Company. He's also the lover to Jake and Jamie, who are ready to teach Brett a thing or two about romance. Having never had any real romantic relationships, Brett forgets about Valentine's Day but planner addict, Jamie has her sights on surprise and romance for the big night and takes charge with … [Read more...]
Innocence Examined – Emily Tilton
Summary Sir Gerald is having great difficulties with Caroline, his eighteen-year-old ward. He has always been a doting guardian, shielding young Caroline from the truth about the differences between men and women and what they do behind closed doors. But now Caroline has become much too curious for her own good, to the point where he must bring himself to punish her … [Read more...]