Nothing makes me happier than when a sci-fi/fantacy/paranormal author gets fancy with genitalia. More specific, male genitalia. I mean the vagina is pretty perfect the way it is. You rarely see male masturbating products that do anything a regular vagina can't do. Yet there are hundreds of female masturbatory products that each are more creatively designed than … [Read more...]
Rock Star Stepbrother: A Forbidden Erotic Romance – Sasha Marcos
Cynthia is an unemployed photographer with an art degree from a third rate college. Her stepbrother, Dean, is a struggling musician with a really crappy website. It’s almost like fate has shoved them together to help fulfill each other’s needs. There’s just one problem. Their needs go far beyond a few photographs. Growing up together has made their relationship complicated, … [Read more...]
Not Looking For Love: Episode 1 – Lena Bourne
Summary ***This is the first installment of a 5 part steamy New Adult romance, Not Looking For Love, serial. The FINAL episode is available for pre-order now-->*** Sometimes, what you want is not really what you need. Gail is only twenty-two years old and her mom is dying. Not just dying, she will be dead in a few days, if the doctors are to be … [Read more...]
Taming Kat – Aubrey Cara
Summary Moving halfway across the country to work part-time at a ranch had been a rash decision on Yankee, city girl Kat Martin's part. She understood that. She had just needed to get away from her pesky mom and older sister telling her what she should be doing with her life. She had no idea her bold move was going to put her in daily close proximity to her one and only … [Read more...]
Discovering New Territories
Like millions of individuals out there I buy all of my sex toys almost exclusively on the internet. It's nice to hide behind the anonymity, compare reviews, and also compare prices from the comfort of one's own home. Today I am specifically talking about butt plugs and finding the right one for you. You're shopping on the internet, so how do you know size, weight, and … [Read more...]