Nothing makes me happier than when a sci-fi/fantacy/paranormal author gets fancy with genitalia. More specific, male genitalia. I mean the vagina is pretty perfect the way it is. You rarely see male masturbating products that do anything a regular vagina can’t do.
Yet there are hundreds of female masturbatory products that each are more creatively designed than the last. Maybe that’s why some authors get into the spirit of things and add some extra elements to the glorious characters of their imaginations.
As a reader, I believe things like enhanced or altered male genitalia really make a book stand out as a memorable read.

Starkissed by Lanette Curington is a sci-fi romance with an alien hero. The males of his race are designed with innies that become outties when aroused. In other words, they have turtle headers. It’s a humorous element throughout the story because the heroine glimpses the hero naked early on and believes their races are sexually incompatible.
In Jet Mykle’s Dark Elves, her uber sexy elf race excrete their own lubricant. It’s a shiny oil that covers their entire body.
I adore self lubricating cocks, and nobody does self lubricating cocks better than Tracy St. John who runs a two for one special with her Clans of Kalqor Kalquorians.
Six come in a set.
Her cocks don’t just lubricate they smell and taste like cinnamon and spice and everything nice. They’re one vibration setting away from being marketable at Adam&

I also enjoy the non penis elements used for sexual gratification. Lucy Woodhull’sRagnar and Juliet alien hero has a tail with a mind of it’s own. Emma Paul’s Galactic Breeder series aliens have the sexiest dreadlocks ever. They have their own muscular structure and nerve endings and are used as extra fingers that also have suction capabilities.
Theolyn Boese’s Daughters of Terra merpeople have hair that has its own muscular structure and nerve endings. Their fancy mercocks have frills for her pleasure that flare out when ejaculating, keeping the couples joined until the orgasmic tide has rode completely out.
Which brings me to my favorite thing of all,

I’d get a cramp in my O-face.
Maybe that Star Trek alien knotting fan fiction is where Morgan Hawke got inspiration for the cock knotting Skeldhi alien race in her Interstellar Service & Discipline Star Series.Those are some hot cock knotting aliens, but fiction based on factual wolf genital knotting is where we can most often read about knotting. Yep, shifter/werewolf erotic fiction and fan fiction is where it’s at.

I’m not going to lie, although I’m not normally a fan, I’ll read a paranormal in a heartbeat if it holds the promise of some knotted cock.

The only problem is, much to my disappointment, there is no set list of knotting books out there. There is a ton of crazy fan fiction, some insane eye brow raising bestiality snippets, a surprising amount of animal anime, and a disturbing amount of animal porn, but alas, no list of actual books that just happen to feature some hot cock knotting.
In my limited paranormal reading I’ve only stumbled across a few. Recently I had the Goldilocks and the Three Cock Knots experience.

First I read, Journal of the Lycanthrophile (The Scattered Dark Series) a m/m fetishism erotic by Fierce Dolan. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started that book. It’s dark, twisted, and although well done, it was more fascinating in a somewhat traumatizing way. I didn’t find it sexually exciting. At least not in anyway that I would admit to sober.
Then I read one of Emma Holly’s Hidden series books, which feature werewolves who knot when their mate is found. It’s hot, but sadly when described it seems more like a token knot.
I think that made it all the more satisfying when I found the cock knotting book worthy of gushing over.
Belle Starr by Belinda McBride
Annabelle ‘Cowgirl’ Oakley is a Marshal for the Interstellar Coalition and the best in law enforcement. Belle’s life revolves around tracking and bagging criminals with her wolf Tucker, the only partner she’s needed for seven years. After a tricky Matruscan arrest, Belle goes into heat for the first time. Ever the resourceful gal, Belle goes hunting for a were-man with herself as bate. What she gets is more than she could have anticipated.
Armand de la Croix is a mysterious cajun AmWere, and one of the last of his kind. He’s grasping at memories and trying to chase down a past while holding on to the one woman he knows is his future.
276 pages
Warning: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, m/m sexual content, menage (m/m/f), sex while in shifted form and violence.
You can see more on Belinda McBride @
*Know of any fancy genitalia reads that are a can’t miss? Please post and share in comments!
I was just discussing knitting with another author a couple weeks ago. God, I love knotting! So flipping Hot! Lora Leigh’s animal breed series has it for the Coyotes. Dogs actually knot in real life–look it up, who knew right??!? Anyway. The more knotting the better. .
Uhm. It says knitting. Definitely NOT knitting–KNOTTING
Knitting- probably what the average person thinks authors sit around talking about. Knotting- a much more interesting conversation 🙂